Local GPs Your Health Your Way Local Screening Cancer Coronavirus Hints & Tips Healthwatch Dementia Support Networks Bassetlaw Food Bank Bassetlaw Hospice Wellbeing & Fitness Lincs Notts Air Ambulance
This page has much information about the rapidly changing structure of the NHS. For more detailed aspects see the sub-sections from this page on the left hand menu or across the top of this page.
Thrive Together is the local organisation offering one-to-one and group support tailored to support individuals who are neurodivergent or who suffer with mental ill health. This includes employment issues as well as social ones. ►
Nottinghamshire Love Your Leftovers Cookery Book - a ‘must read’ here...

◄ rehab4addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. Click on poster for links to this support.

Read how to get this sticker and also why it may be illegal to ignore it! ►
Critical incident declared in NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire due to sustained pressures on system - more here...
Nottinghamshire local Family Hubs aim to make a positive difference to children, young people and their families by providing joined up, local services which will provide the right support at the right time.
A key aim is to provide a ‘front door’ to families, offering a ‘one-stop shop’ of family support services with a comprehensive Start for Life offer for parents and babies. Read much more here about Nottinghamshire’s services for parents and here for Notts Children’s Centre Service newsletter.
Don’t risk catching or spreading Bird Flu! Read advice here... and latest mandatory bird housing measures now in force here...
Grief Cafe at St.Saviour’s Community Centre, Retford, on first Tuesday of every month from 14:00-15:00.
Need self-help links to the widest range of health and welfare services and support? Click here for over 100 links.
Our Support Networks page has 8 further sub-pages including: Befriending, Disability & Hate, MS Society, Carer’s Support, HOPE, Notts Womens’ Aid and Joel Baby-loss support
The Bassetlaw Health Bus is designed as a mobile clinical consultation room that will be operating in the district in the coming weeks - click on bus for details...
For the widest range of support and information about your health needs, look no further than Notts Help Yourself here...
Nottinghamshire MIND is currently the best place to seek mental health support: Hamlyn Lodge Welbeck Nottinghamshire S80 3LR Phone: 0800 470 0203 Email: communications@nottinghamshiremind.org.uk
Website: http://nottinghamshiremind.org.uk Also see Mind’s national website: www.mind.org.uk
For more on Bassetlaw Connect click on NCHA...
If you are looking to get back into employment but your health needs are getting in the way, our Employment pages offer ways forward.
We are pulling together useful hints and tips to keep you safe in the current virus emergency - click here to explore.
Click on pink area for more on this exciting new FREE initiative.
Click here for YHYW Newsletters...

For a really good mental health guide written for young people by young people, click on the Self-Isolation Survival Guide.
A new helpline for anyone in Nottinghamshire who is struggling with their mental health. This is an advice and signposting service for people who need to talk and find out where to access help and is in addition to the crisis line which went live in April, 2020.
Trained mental health workers will be on hand to answer calls from 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday and there are plans to extend the hours to include evenings and weekends following an initial test phase.
You can find out more at: https://www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/latest-news/new-mental-health-helpline-for-nottinghamshire-3527
The Crisis Line:
The new NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) was established on 1st July 2022, replaced the Clinical Commissioning Groups covering Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and Bassetlaw. Visit their website here...
For details of Bassetlaw Action Centre’s Staying Well Programme, click here... Bassetlaw Action Centre also hosts the Stroke/Neuro Information Service; click here for information...
*When you take your repeat prescription(s) to your chosen pharmacist, ask them to collect them in future from your GP and deliver them free to your home.
Do you have a health condition and would like support to find and stay in work? Read more about Workingwin here... along with some personal experiences.
Deaf or hard-of-hearing? Want to get to grips with British Sign Language? Read more...
To make comments on NHS Services - compliments as well as complaints - see Healthwatch.
Mending broken hearts - heart disease kills and disables far too many people in the UK. Visit British Heart Foundation’s website to start finding ways to help vital research - and maybe change your lifestyle too!
Want a free First Aid guide from St.John Ambulance? Click here for details.
Free First Aid Guide from British Red Cross here.
Know someone with an eating disorder? Go to our Eating page.
Information forwarded on behalf of Sue Gill - Head of Partnership Commissioning, NHS Bassetlaw:
Advocacy Services are changing in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire The new City and County wide access to advocacy service, Your Voice, Your Choice, started on 1st April 2012. This replaces all advocacy services that have supported adults with a Physical and Sensory Impairment, a Learning Disability, a Mental Health problem, older people and people with dementia.
Your Voice, Your Choice is delivered in partnership by POhWER and Age UK Notts. There is single contact number for all advocacy services. People who contact the service will be assessed holistically to understand their needs and issues, and given appropriate and accessible information, advice and advocacy to help them resolve their issues. The service will also provide referrals for people with complex issues and needs, providing issue based advocacy support to a wide range of service users.
Statutory advocacy services will also be available from the service, together with information about the services for professionals.
All services can be contacted by phone on 0300 020 0093 or by e-mail at yourvoiceyourchoice@pohwer.net
Please also see www.pohwer.net for information.
Please see the attached leaflet kindly produced by Jim Broughton-Nottingham City Accessible Information Coordinator at Mencap.
We have also included here a number of other organisation that are able to offer varying types of advice or support, so please do check them out.
Bassetlaw NHS Primary Care Trust to find local GPs, Dentists, Opticians, Pharmacists and a full overview of all aspects of NHS activity and provision in our area.
Bassetlaw Action Centre is a Community Resource Agency linking individuals and organisations with help and support.
Disability Nottinghamshire - the Nottinghamshire charity providing free, impartial and independent advice and advocacy in respect to any disability or impairment. Sign up to their mailing list!
Please note: Retford Hospital (North Road) does not have an A & E Department, the nearest Accident & Emergency Department is at Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop.
If you need emergency help - always dial 999 and ask for an ambulance.
And, if you need to contact Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation (NHS) Trust has announced a single-point-of-contact which is: