Get onboard - support your community by enrolling with your local Neighbourhood Alert - see below.
See our website’s homepage for the latest Neighbourhood Watch Our News publication.

Neighbourhood Alert is the newest, comprehensive, two-way system fully supported by national police forces. To quote from the local area website: Registration on the East Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Alert website will enable you to report information regarding any crime, suspicious behaviour and anti-social behaviour you see or hear within your area. Registration is restricted to residents of the East Bassetlaw area as well as people who work here.
4th February, 2025 Alert regarding CCTV reads: Were you aware of the following?
Complaints re domestic (personal) CCTV in the past , the rules around CCTV meant it was only supposed to cover your own property, however, this is no longer the case.
CCTV and its use is covered by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) and they are the lead agency / authority for complaints.
Go to the Information Commissioner’s Office website here...
From the ICO websites home page, select Make a complaint at the top of the page and then select Home CCTV complaints to understand what public space and neighbours properties you might be allowed to ‘overlook’.
Alert (10th December, 2024) warns of attempts to use Winter Fuel Payments notice to trap folks into revealing their contact details, bank accounts and other personal details so that they can be flushed of their money! Read advice here...
Also alert (13th May, 2024) warns WhatsApp group chat members could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. Read more here...
(27th April, 2024): Nottinghamshire Trading Standards are warning Nottinghamshire residents to be on their guard against criminals pertaining to be calling from Nottinghamshire County Council.
Nottinghamshire resident has reported that they received a telephone call from someone claiming to be calling from Nottinghamshire County Council, who asked them to make a donation to the Anti-Bullying Fund. The caller asked the resident for £149.00.
Nottinghamshire County Council will NEVER contact you to ask for donations. If you receive a call asking you for money then hang up, wait 5 minutes for the line to clear, or use a different line altogether and report it to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.
The Citizens Advice Consumer Service can also provide advice if you are concerned that you may be a victim of fraud, or if you are receiving unwanted telephone calls.
Message Sent by Becky Shooter (Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards Service, Trading Standards Officer, Nottinghamshire)
Dear resident,
As children break up for the long summer break, if they're like most children, they’ll probably be getting up and going to bed later. Playing out more. And if they’re lucky, you might be taking them away on holiday.
What’s almost certain is that they’ll be going online more than in term time for entertainment, keeping in contact and chatting with their mates, gaming and the multitude of other things kids use the internet for.
With all the additional time spent doing more online, how can you be sure that the young people in your family are safe from the issues they can encounter every day? Our latest campaign provides tips and advice on how to help your children stay safe online this summer. Read below, or see the attached leaflet for more information:
Also, see July 23 Parents leaflet.
With best wishes,
The Get Safe Online team
Criminals are targeting WhatsApp users by posing as a friend and asking for a security code. Action Fraud has received over 60 reports relating to this scam already (27th March, 2023). Click here for more and how to avoid it!
Latest scam HMRC (His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) letter - which looks really official - offering refund of £thousands - even the envelope looked official! The only give away was the lack of receiver’s UTR (Unique Taxpayer Reference Number!
Energy Rebates scam emails are really on the rise ◄ Click here for details and how to avoid these scams.
Street harassment is on the rise and is often not an isolated incident. We know the long-term impact can harm mental health and change people’s behaviour. Victims often feel guilty, ashamed, and blame themselves. Click on Are You OK? for a short YouTube video ►
Witnessing street harassment and not safely intervening sends the message to those experiencing it that it’s okay and society normalises it. Ongoing acceptance of street harassment contributes to a toxic culture. We want to change this, but we need your help.
Today we are launching a campaign that targets bystanders (those who witness street harassment), be those Neighbourhood Watch members or not. The campaign encourages those who see someone being harassed in public to ask the victim if they are okay when they feel safe doing so. Those three little words let them know that they stand by them and that street harassment is never okay.
€˜This simple action is a delay technique and part of the 5Ds of bystander intervention developed by Right to Be. By asking, ˜Are you okay? we become active bystanders and send the message that harassment is not okay. There are further actions that people can take, but our campaign focuses on the simplest step everyone can take. Deborah Waller, Head of Communications and Digital, Neighbourhood Watch Network
Watch this short video, or learn more about what we mean by street harassment, what else can be done about it, and reporting and support for victims by visiting
Visit to download all the resources you might need to support our campaign and share this message far and wide.
If you see it, ask it!
Neighbourhood Alert are seeking the widest possible involvement by the local community; for more information and also to enrol please go to the East Bassetlaw Community Alert website. This really is a no-brainer if you want to be fully aware of what our police are dealing with, almost ‘as-it-happens’.
◄ Alert (28th June, 2022) warning of dangers of swimming in rivers and canals.
Alert received 1st June, 2022: Please be aware that there is a suspicious male offering to clean driveways travelling around the Rural East Bassetlaw area. He is driving a Grey or silver coloured Ford Transit type vehicle. The registration number is BK18 WTU.
If you do not wish to purchase any services then please be polite but insistent that no work is to be done. Please do not hesitate to contact the police should you feel unable to get the male to leave.
◄ Alert (25th May, 2022) regarding thefts of Land Rovers and Land Rover Discoverys which includes more general advice for anyone who’s vehicle has keyless entry technology.
8th April, 2022: Two off-road bikers failed to stop for police in Lound but were eventually stopped. Riders were dealt multiple offences and their bikes were seized.
12th March, 2022: Oil & Fuel Thefts: As we are all aware the price of fuel is continuing to rise. Previously when we have seen price rises in fuel there has been an increase in thefts. These can either be from vehicles or oil tanks on private land. Although there has not been a dramatic increase currently we are seeing more incidents being reported. Also with the continued increase in fuel costs we believe these will increase over the next few weeks. Please ensure you take steps to prevent this happening to you.
Check, repair or upgrade the security to your tanks and be vigilant to any vehicles or person in and around them which you deem are acting suspiciously.
Report any suspicious activity to 999 or 101 if not happening at the time of reporting.
3rd December, 2021: Police impersonation scam alert.
19th November, 2021: Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is the single most important thing you can do to improve the security of your online accounts.
17th November, 2021: Telephone Scam Alert re home insulation.
Latest Holiday News - 27th May, 2021: Following a year of travel bans, quarantine, uncertainty and missed holidays, many of us are desperate to get away for a break, whether it’s a holiday in the sun or a weekend by the sea in the UK.
But cybercriminals are busy thinking about holidays and travel too ... not taking them but exploiting your desperation for a break, with fake websites, advertisements, emails, social media posts, texts and phone calls for holidays, flights, accommodation or pilgrimages that don’t exist.
Avoid disappointment and financial losses when booking a trip: start by reading our expert tips on searching and booking holidays and travel safely and securely. Our latest leaflet is here...
If you'd like to read even more then visit
For the related Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter, click here...
14th February, 2021: Bitcoin investment scams
8th January, 2021: Coronavirus Vaccination Scams
The system also includes regular (almost daily) e-mail alerts about issues that have been reported - we post just a few of these below...
Action Fraud is warning people selling items online to be on the lookout for criminals sending fake PayPal emails. Report received 6th November, 2020.
Police are advising that scammers are phoning people about Amazon Prime - either accounts or internet connection faults - as an excuse to extract account details from them. Don’t give anything! Read the police report in full by clicking on the pdf icon on the left. Report received 3rd November, 2020.
Alert (29th May, 2020): Doorstep Sellers. Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards have received information that there is a someone going door to door selling fish. We appreciate that there are genuine fish sellers in the area. However, in the past we have had reports of fish being sold in this way being overpriced, incorrectly stored and being mis-described. There have also been occasions when the fish has not been kept in chilled conditions. Therefore, Trading Standards never recommends buying any goods at the door. To bring a matter to the attention of trading standards or for consumer advice, please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133. This number is free from mobiles and landlines.
Have you fallen victim to this potential password scam? A member of the public contacted us after following a link via Facebook Messenger to what they thought was a video. It then asks you to log in to Facebook, but when you enter your details it doesn't take you there. Alert via Which? (29th May, 2020).
Action Fraud advice on bogus e-mails from apparently well-known companies, etc. While this is a good warning, members of Clarborough & Welham IT Group will be aware of some simple checking procedures that we all use in this situation. Simply put; if you hover your pointer over a recently received e-mail - don’t click or move it for a few seconds - a box pops up containing the sender’s e-mail address. So, if it purports to come from (say) NatWest but the revealed sender’s address is not one that NatWest have given you on paper, then simply and promptly delete the message. Do not open (click on) doubtful messages and never click on any links within such e-mails. Remember, the Banking Code forbids banks and other financial institutions from contacting customers by e-mail (or phone) for anything to do with personal accounts.
A very small selection of recent Alerts are reproduced below, just to give you a flavour of the service (that on the left is from 02 March, 2015):
Latest Alerts Latest Alerts Latest Alerts This is only a selection - get enrolled for the full service! The visual quality of these screenshots are much lower than the actual Alerts due to our processes of transfer to this site.
Scams: do remember the following vital points:
- No ‘official’ body will ask for an ‘administration fee’ to ‘release’ something that they claim you are owed or have won. Such wording is an immediate warning that what follows is trying to extract money from you. Don’t ‘click’ on anything - just get out of there fast!
- No UK Bank, Building Society or reputable business will ever ask you to pass personal account details over via an e-mail. Again, this is a sure-fire warning that what you have received aims to be fraudulent.
- Just because an e-mail carries an official or corporate logo, heading, etc. doesn’t mean it really comes from that source. It only needs the most basic of computer knowledge to produce such e-mails...
- A quick way to check the origin of an e-mail is simply to ‘hover’ your pointer over that e-mail in your ‘in box’ - the e-mail address of the origin will then appear. Thus, a recent e-mail purporting to come from parcel delivery giant FedEx actually originated from e-mail address in Macau!
Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise again (Feb 2015). Download Police advice leaflet here...
Notts Trading Standards warning about cold callers re. roof coating & cleaning (07 Jan 2015)
Scams using 070 personal phone numbers (01 Dec 2014)
Click here for Neighbourhood Alert regarding Ukash telephone scam (22 Jan 2014)
Enter your postcode to find local community information (7th November 2013)
Alerts are e-mailed to registered members at very regular intervals - highly recommended! one knows your immediate area better than you, and now you have a facility with which you can be heard. In the past, many observations and pieces of intelligence from members of the public and concerned citizens have not been listened to. Many times as residents of the area, we have been aware of trouble brewing: gangs gathering and spoiling for trouble, con-men in the area, dodgy characters looking in car windows, people selling drugs, the list is endless. But, over the years, we have learnt that unless an incident is taking place at that moment, other issues take priority. The truth however is that the police intelligence department do want this information, they value it and have been fantastically supportive of the development of a system to collect this information confidentially. All reports made are stored safely and the local Safer Neighbourhood teams, Police intel units and your local co-ordinators are notified that information has been reported. When the authorised personnel log in and respond to your report you are notified by e-mail. In addition to this and thanks to a further commitment from the police, if you register on the system you will be given access to the police crime stats reports for your immediate area. A weekly report that will enable you to see exactly what crime has been reported in your street (no house numbers). This will enable you to take precautions against perhaps an increase in burglary or car theft or simply feel reassured that you have a downward crime trend in your area.