Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

Befriending Services
website design software

Version 4.1
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

Volunteer befrienders are urgently required at Bassetlaw Action Centre, to support those suffering from loneliness and isolation. If you enjoy meeting people and are able to visit someone once a week for six weeks you could help us.
All personal travel expenses will be paid. For further information, please contact Bassetlaw Action Centre on 01777 709 650 or email

Royal Voluntary Service, formerly WRVS

Royal Voluntary Service is a volunteer organisation that enriches the lives of older people and their families across Britain.

We support older people by giving time and practical help to help  them get the best from life. Our volunteers, ordinary men and woman of all ages and ethnicities, love spending time with the older people. Through them, we want to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age

RVS operate a number of services to support individuals with particular needs. Here we signpost information and links for several of their services:

RVS Home Library Service for readers who can’t get to a library branch.
For details, click here.

RVS Take Time to Listen Telephone Befriending Service

From July 2011, RVS rolled out its Telephone Befriending Service across the whole of the Bassetlaw region following a successful pilot in Manton.

We can support anyone over the age of 55 who lives in the Bassetlaw district with a long-term health condition. We accept referrals from healthcare professionals, and we can also accept self-referrals. We also offer support to Carers.

This FREE service aims to support older people in their own home. Our team of friendly volunteers phone older people on a regular basis to offer a friendly chat and a listening ear.  The service begins with a face to face meeting where our staff get to know the likes and interests of our service users.

Our Co-ordinator can also signpost to other sources of help and support.

If you would like to know more about the scheme, or become a volunteer yourself, please ring Claire Staley, Service Co-ordinator on Retford 01777 707 547 or 07834 049 754.

RVS Telephone Befriending Service - more details.

Please note: WRVS was renamed RVS (Royal Voluntary Service) in 2013 to better reflect its aims and core membership.