Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

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Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
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Ladbrook Insurance

HOPE - Surviving
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Version 4.1
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Want to help fund-raise for HOPE painlessly? Too good to believe?

For more on HOPE’s services click here.

Too many people are sleeping rough in our community. HOPE are seeking your practical support to do something about this...

HOPE - rough sleeping survey - can you help?

No second night out: please help us to help them.

HOPE Community Services

Please note HOPE General Manager, Alan Diggles E-mail

HOPE are keen to expand their services in the Retford area - but they need volunteers!

For this and much, much more about HOPE’s work and services, visit their website at:

It is wise to keep in mind some key points - particularly as it applies to older or vulnerable members of society. The data saved here may be useful to keep in mind before the winter months of 2013-14 have come round.


Cost to the NHS: For every additional winter death, there are an estimated 8 admissions to hospital, 32 attendances at outpatient care and 30 social service calls (Age UK)
Cost of fuel Heating oil increased 25% in past year, 40% in the past 18 months
Rural Premium: Rural pensioner household typically spends £580 a year more on energy than urban households (Joseph Rowntree)
Pension Credit: 42% of pensioners eligible for pension credit in rural areas do not claim it (Commission for Rural Communities)

Key questions answered

Where do your figures come from?
From the NHS, and grass-roots organisations which deal daily with the old and vulnerable and which we fund.  Deaths by category are recorded throughout the year; there is a notable increase in the winter months – an excess when measured against the norm – which is directly attributable to cold conditions and the inability of older, poorer people in particular to deal with them. Rural isolation exacerbates the situation.

To what do you attribute this increase?
A symbiotic combination of poor living conditions, bad diet, and circulatory or respiratory diseases which are worsened by the cold. Falls – on ice or wet surfaces – compound the problem.

What can the Foundation do about it?
The problem defines the solution.  At the last Census in 2001, lone pensioners made up one in seven households in Nottinghamshire and it is likely that the ratio has increased, given the ageing population. The 22,000 deemed at risk either do not or cannot leave their homes during cold spells, effectively making them invisible if no-one knows of their situation.  With sufficient funding from donations of the WFP, we can identify these people, assess their needs and meet them – not just in obvious ways such as ensuring the home is adequately heated and insulated, but by supporting local lunch clubs and voluntary groups who provide all-important human contact, meals, help with shopping and housekeeping and transport for doctor’s appointments, say, or to day-centres.

NCF already part-funds many of these organisations.  We know where and how they help those in greatest need. We are the natural choice as the link between the clubs and groups, and donors who want to support their work on the ground.

How much do we expect to raise?
For most people, the winter fuel payment works out at around £250 per household, although it goes up to £400 for the over 80s. In 2010, there were an estimated 228,600 people over 60 living in Nottinghamshire.  If just 1% of this group were to donate their WFP to the appeal, and gift-aid it, we could raise over £500,000

How much will be spent on administration?
Our aim is for every penny donated to be directed where it is needed.  We will cover our administrative costs by gift aid payments which means, effectively, the Government, not our donors, meet the costs.

Will donors be able to nominate the recipients of their support
No, but we will encourage them to tell us of any individual – or local community organisation – they know who needs our sup
port, and might qualify for it.