Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

Neighbourhood Plan
website design software

Version 4.1
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

The April 2013 Parish Council Meeting adopted proposals for a group to work towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan.

For regular updates on our Neighbourhood Plan, check out copies of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter here...

Note that Bassetlaw D.C. has announced its revised Local Plan which is currently (February 2020) out for local comments. For more click here...

Friends of Parish Pasture Group newsletter (April 2018) here...
Much planting going on!
The above included the Group’s e-mail contact:

Parish Pasture development moves apace (Feb 2018) - read more here...

We understand (15th January, 2018) that the BDC Land between the two ends of Broad Gores that was designated by the Neighbourhood Plan for up to 38 houses has now been sold to a developer. Watch this space for more as information becomes available.

The Referendum for Clarborough & Welham Neighbourhood Plan was a clear YES.

Now that the Plan is established, meetings are arranged to launch the ‘next steps’:

Thursday 2nd March, 2017 for management of the Leisure Land

Tuesday 7th March, 2017 for Allotments

Click on the links above for meeting details

The Group is headed by Paul Willcock supported by Phil Gibson (Chairman, Clarborough & Welham Parish Council) together with a small team of other local residents. A map of the area that our Plan would cover can be found on our Finding us page.

Recent updates

See Clarborough & Welham Newsletter: Winter 2016 for latest updates including publication of Steering Group minutes.

Why do Clarborough & Welham need a Neighbourhood Plan? Read George Osborne’s Plans for us here!

The Autumn 2014 issue of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter had a vital questionnaire that needed your attention - see our Newsletter page.

Analysis of the returned questionnaires are reported in the Winter 2014 issue of our Newsletter and formed the basis of a public meeting held at Clarborough Primary School on the evening of 3rd November, 2014.

For background information relevant to our developing Plan, see our Planning page.

Timelines for our plan’s development 2014-2015.


To find out more of the background, readers should consult the Summer 2013 issue of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter in which Paul outlined the 5 steps required to implement a Neighbourhood Plan. At the foot of this page are much more substantial documents, one aimed at Councillors and others in positions of influence and finally the Statutory Instrument (2012 No.637) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING, ENGLAND: The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 which are the Governments ‘rules and regs’ within which Neighbourhood Planning takes place. Be warned, both of these are hefty documents (20 and 28 pages respectively).

Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by the Clarborough and Welham Parish Council to Bassetlaw District Council to be recognised as a Neighbourhood Area for the purpose of producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

With Step 1 (adoption by our Parish Council) as noticed above accomplished, regular meetings are moving things forward BUT we do need more members of our community to get on board. It will be of no consolation a little further down the line if planning ‘from above’ clashes with our own wishes - we need to ‘get in first’ with a Neighbourhood Plan!

Step 2: Bassetlaw District Council agreed to our development of a Neighbourhood Plan (13 December, 2013). To read their letter of authorisation and associated map outlining the plan’s area, click here.

For much more information on development of our Plan, click on:



Steering Group Minutes (10 January, 2014)

Steering Group Minutes (11 December, 2013)

Steering Group Minutes (25 Nov 2013)


Official Documents:

Bassetlaw District Council’s Designation Decision (13 Dec 2013).

Neighbourhood Planning - a simple guide for ward councillors.

Statutory Instruments 2012 No. 637, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING, ENGLAND: The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012