[Left] Calendar Girls, our W.I. entry for Clarborough Festival’s 2018 Scarecrow competition.
We regularly take part in village events such as the scarecrow festival and the Christmas tree lighting event

[Right] Our team at the end of their sponsored Boat Pull which raised money for group funds, the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance and Bassetlaw Hospice.
[Left] Our first-ever Yarn Bombing to publicise our W.I.
[Right] We were so proud of our contribution to the commemorative displays in the village church for Armistice Day 2018

[Above] We never miss an opportunity to celebrate - this is our birthday meeting in 2018
The National Womens Institute celebrated its centenary in 2015 and as part of this celebration a W.I. Baton has been relaying around the country. On 18th June, 2015 it came to Clarborough. Mrs J.Goacher, President of North/South Wheatley W.I. handed the Baton over to our President, Margaret Campbell who passed it over to Vice-President Kath Goward who was transported in style to Gringley-on-the-Hill W.I. by Ken Davis, owner of the Austin Chummie, where the Baton was passed to Gringley's president, Mrs B.Dunkerley.
And finally (for now!)... we organise the annual Parish Christmas Party for the senior citizens of Clarborough, Welham and Hayton.