Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

Clarborough W.I.
website design software

Version 4.1
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

Clarborough & District Womens’ Institute The ideals of the Women's Institute of truth, justice, tolerance and fellowship are as strong and important now in the 21st century as they were at the birth of the WI in 1915.

The Wi exists to educate women, to enable them to provide an effective role in the community, to expand their horizons and to develop and pass on important skills.

Meetings usually take place on the second Monday of each month, in Clarborough Village Hall from 14:00 unless otherwise stated.

Visitors and new members are always welcome to join us at any time of the year; £5 including refreshments. Yearly membership is £42.00 or pro rata as appropriate.

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to make jam to join the WI? NO

Do I have to enter competitions? NO

Do I have to live in Clarborough?  NO

Do I have to be retired?  NO

I can't bake, sing or knit, can I join? YES

The WI is a non-sectarian, non-party political and welcomes all women aged over 18

Contact Lesley 07967 191 007 or Lucy 01777 870 054 to answer any questions you may have.


Programme for 2024

8th January’The Laycocks’ - Mr R.Evans

12th February:  ‘The Lighter side of Veterinary Nursing’ - Chris Abbott

11th March: ’Hats and how to wear them’ - Yvonne Henson

8th April: ‘The Story of Afternoon Tea’ - Baroness Bolsover

13th May: Annual Meeting and Resolutions

10th June: Birthday Meeting

8th July: Visit to Hook W.I.

August No Meeting

9th September: ‘Western Canada including the Rockies National Park’ - Kevin Lennox

14th October: Harvest Supper, Social and bring-and-buy

11th November: ‘Tunnel 57’ - Ralf Schweinem

9th December: Members’ Christmas lunch

Meetings start at 14:00 in the Village Hall, Clarborough (DN22 9LN), you will be made very welcome.

For some photos of the previous events click here...

Clarborough & District W.I. Officers:

    President:                     Tel. 07967 191 007
    Secretary:                   Tel. 01777 870 054


    Find us also on Facebook at @clarboroughanddistrict