For an extensive overview of the historical, political, economic and physical nature of Bassetlaw, have a look at the Wikipedia entry Bassetlaw has a mix of urban and rural communities and associated industries.
Bassetlaw District Council has prepared the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2037: Publication Version.
The Local Plan sets out the broad spatial planning and policy framework for Bassetlaw District up to 2037. The Local Plan includes our vision and ambitions for the future of Bassetlaw with strategic objectives, policies and site allocations to meet the growth targets. It identifies the level of development over the plan period together with the locations of where development should go.
Representations are invited on the Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2037: Publication Version and proposed submission documents for a period of seven weeks, from Thursday 2nd September to 17:00 on Thursday 21st October 2021. Representations received after this time were not accepted. To read BDC’s full press release on the above topic click here...
See also our Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan developments.
The following links are provided as an historical background to current Neighbourhood Planning and flood management:
Relevant here is Bassetlaw’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) document which examins land in our community that could be ear marked for housing development - you may be surprised! Be warned, the PDF document is big, running to more than 100 pages (nearly 6MB). To view this document click here.
You should also note that Nottinghamshire County Council is currently formulating a Local Flood Management Strategy that may address some of the issues raised after the floods of 2007. Go to our County Council page.
NEW DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR YOUR VILLAGE! Follow these links for Bassetlaw’s Clarborough/Hayton housing planning map.
Bassetlaw District Council is currently working on a series of documents that together will replace the Bassetlaw Local Plan. The first of these, the Core Strategy, was the subject of extensive consultation and formal Examination in Public before being adopted by the Full Council on 22 December 2011. Click here to explore the Core Strategy in detail.
The following historic documents provide a bit of background to recent local initiatives:
Clarboroughh/Hayton Future Development Questionnaire (Bassetlaw D.C.)
Flooding issues in Clarborough & Welham Discussion paper and reply by Richard Schofield, Planning Policy & Conservation Manager at Bassetlaw District Council. This remained relevant to meeting on 24th November regarding Future Housing plans as detailed above.
Notts County Council’s Street Lighting shown on the attached plan. For background to these proposals see here. These arrangements remain open to amendment - keep your Parish Council informed!